My Pinterst Boards

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Oh my gosh! I have to be honest and tell you that yes I am a weavaholic! I love my weave, but one thing I can't stand more than anything is when I pay good money for my weave and I don't love it! I am fairly new to the weave game, but I am not new to paying money for quality stuff. I will take my time and research as much as I can to make the right purchase. I went from beauty supply hair to Peruvian hair to virgin Indian hair. All of this hair started out pretty good, but my main thing is longevity! How long is my hair going to last? Is it going to shed all over my bathroom floor, sink, and bedroom? Is this hair going to tangle up on me when I'm out with friends? Will my boyfriend have to pat loose strands that are making me look crazy? It is imperative that all of these inquires are in check! I plan on making a new weave purchase toward the end of August, beginning of September and this time I will make the perfect choice. I get my company ideas from YouTube, but sometimes YouTube can be a bit misleading as some of the gurus have been on YouTube for a while and are asked to review hair for companies. The hair might in fact be great for them, but the hair might not be the same for you. While I do love my gurus I take the time out to listen to the people who make purchases for their own pleasures, which may in fact be some of the gurus as well. I believe these people have the most non bias opinion. After my last online purchase I began thinking that I should have went with my first mind and chosen The Virgin Hair Fantasy. I see this company as really having their professionalism together. A company with models, beautiful cards, planned events, and a tutorial show on YouTube must have great hair. Before making such a hefty purchase I began looking at everyone's reviews for The Virgin Hair Fantasy and to my surprise viewers were not happy! I don't want to make a purchase I am not going to be happy with. I am deciding once again not to choose The Virgin Hair Fantasy's Brazilian Body Wave. I have decided to go with Princess Hair Shop's Filipino straight. While I don't plan on making this purchase until the end of the summer I thought I would share my thoughts as well as videos and pictures I found that helped me come to this decision.

Clearly she wasn't happy with this hair, she admitted that is was dry and posted later that she couldn't support something that she believed to be untrue.


If my favorite gurus are not even feeling it I went in search of what they are feeling!!

         Sold me!!

even though it's not Princess hair shop I do think this type of hair is a winner and I have decided to go with Princess Hair Shop!! While I can't tell you who to choose I do hope you choose a type of hair and a good company that will give you what you pay for!